This stuff is pretty amazing
I'd like to tell you a little bit about classes with the example written below: class Person.
A class in ruby is a blue print that specifies :
1. What the object can keep as data. This is also known as the properties or instance variables or state of the object.
2. What the object can do to interact with other objects or itself. This is also known as the objects methods or behavior or instance methods.
Other concepts are inheritance and composition. Inheritence occurs when a class inherits properties and behavior of another class. Inheritance is known as an is-a relationship because a child class is a type of a parent class. Composition occurs when a class is composed of other classes. Composition is also described as a has-a relationship, because a class can have another class composed within it.
The class Name has instance variables first middle and last. The class Date has instance variables day month and year. The class Person has instance variables birth_date and name. These are all examples of the properties or state of each object that is instantiated with the classes.
The read/write properties of the attributes are given by the line:
attr_accessor :birth_date, :name
attr_accessor simply means that we have given the property methods to read the value and write the value. This is also known as getter and setter methods.
def initialize(first_name, middle_name, last_name) @name =, middle_name, last_name) @birth_date = end def to_s @name.to_s + " Born on " + @birth_date.to_s end def what_do_you_do puts "I'm a typical person. I eat, sleep and I love to code Ruby on Rails." end
The classes Name, Date, Person have an instance method called initialize this method initializes instance variables in those classes. All 3 classes also have a to_s method that outputs information about the object in a string format. The Person class also has another method what_do_you_do which prints a string. These are all very basic examples of the behavior of these objects.
class Dev_boot_camp_student < Person
The class Dev_boot_camp_student is inherited from the class Person. This means that a Dev_boot_camp_student object is a type of Person object.
class Person attr_accessor :birth_date, :name def initialize(first_name, middle_name, last_name) @name =, middle_name, last_name) @birth_date = end
In the example below the class Person makes use of the principle of composition. Person is actually composed of 2 objects which are instances of class Date and class Name.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | class Person attr_accessor :birth_date, :name def initialize(first_name, middle_name, last_name) @name =, middle_name, last_name) @birth_date = end def to_s @name.to_s + " Born on " + @birth_date.to_s end def what_do_you_do puts "I'm a typical person. I eat, sleep and I love to code Ruby on Rails." end end class Dev_boot_camp_student < Person end class Date attr_accessor :day, :month, :year def initialize(day=0, month=0, year=0) @day = day @month = month @year = year end def to_s "Date: " + @month.to_s + "/" + @day.to_s + "/" + @year.to_s end end class Name attr_accessor :first, :middle, :last def initialize(first, middle, last) @first = first @middle = middle @last = last end def to_s "Name: " + @first + " " + @middle + " " + @last end end |
We have the following driver code for the class written above:
puts #Instantiating a new object with a type of class Dev_boot_student. We instantiate with arguments first name, middle name, last name, which are specifications of the Dev_boot_student#initialize method puts "The calvin object created" p calvin ="Calvin", "Cal", "Settachatgul") puts #We see that the birth_date of this object is 0 0 0 puts "Right now the birthdate is set to 0 0 0 values" p calvin.birth_date puts #We can set the individual properties for the birth_date by calling the Date setter methods .day = .month = .year = puts "We now set the birthdate to 12/20/1978" = 20 calvin.birth_date.month = 12 calvin.birth_date.year = 1978 puts #We can call the getter method .name and .birth_date and output it with the to_s method. puts "ouput the name and birthdate of calvin" puts puts calvin.birth_date puts # We can call what_do_you_do which outputs a string puts "They ouput of what_do_you_do" calvin.what_do_you_do
And we get the following ouput
:> ruby person.rb The calvin object created #<Dev_boot_camp_student:0x007ff0a3190a50 @name=#<Name:0x007ff0a3190a28 @first="Calvin", @middle="Cal", @last="Settachatgul">, @birth_date=#<Date:0x007ff0a3190a00 @day=0, @month=0, @year=0>> Right now the birthdate is set to 0 0 0 values #<Date:0x007ff0a3190a00 @day=0, @month=0, @year=0> We now set the birthdate to 12/20/1978 ouput the name and birthdate of calvin Name: Calvin Cal Settachatgul Date: 12/20/1978 They ouput of what_do_you_do I'm a typical person. I eat, sleep and I love to code Ruby on Rails.