This stuff is pretty amazing
Recently one of the hardest things I've had to change is the html, css positioning and look of my website.
I've never really considered myself as having an eye for design. What really helped recently is the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework.
Bootstrap distribution has JS CSS and Fonts folders, which you can simply place in your file directory. You have to point the html document to the css and JS files with the following links:
In you Head tag you place
<link type="css/text" rel="stylesheet" href="../css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
Near the end of the html body tag before closing body you place your javascript link
<script type="script/text" src=href="../js/bootstrap.min.js"/>
Using a Bootstrap template and then filling in details has been great for this website to have a professional look. I believe I still have a lot to work on building skills in HTML/CSS and JavaScript. But, at least I have a great website now. Even though this website is positioned much more cleanly and is a bit more dynamic, I still look forward to improving my front-end skills and will avoid relying on Bootstrap too much for my projects.