This stuff is pretty amazing
Honesty 4
Efficiency 4
Intellectual status 3
Knowledge 4
Persistence 4
Responsibility 4
Self-knowledge 4
Will-power 4
Self-reliance 4
Personal development 4
I believe Intellectual status is something I value because I am actually insecure in my own intellect and need some validation of it. I don't think it is because I have an ego, although it is closely related. I believe I try to build my skills and show my ability to solve problems to be appreciated and build my intellectual status.
Recently someone in my cohort group asked me to look at a test he/she could not figure out. I discovered the fault in the individual's code and felt proud that I could help her. It feeded into my ego somewhat, but it also felt good I learned something and helped someone.
I think recognizing what I value will help me mediate stereo-type threat because when I feel under attack because of stero-types about me or anxious about proving something I will Identify that anxiety and emotion stems from what I value strongly.
Other exercises I feel will be helpful to mediate stere-type threat are just to tell myself that being diverse is really a groups strength. I believe different perspectives is key to a groups ability to be creative and solve problems in the best way.