This stuff is pretty amazing
Today we learned about algorithms. Algorithms are well known strategies to solve a problem that occur so frequently they have been given a name. Algorithms can be compared by the time and memory needed to execute them. Therefore an big O property is characteristic of these algorithms.
Linear search
Selection search
Ternary search
Binary Search
Fibonacci Search
Jump Search
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Heap Sort
notation name
O(1) constant
O(log(n)) logarithmic
O((log(n))c) polylogarithmic
O(n) linear
O(n^2) quadratic
O(n^c) polynomial
O(c^n) exponential
Operation complexity is what O notation measures. With increasing N or number of the dataset we see an increase in the operations of a worst case scenario. This relationship between increasing N and the increase in operations is described as big O notation.