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On-demand Bicycle delivery. Platform for bike owners to find mobile storage and on-demand pickup of bicycles throughout San Francisco | Lead Full-Stack Engineer | •


Educational tool for students that visualizes the fossils locations documented within the United States | Full Stack Engineer


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• Transportation rating service to monitor the statistics of modes of transportation using mobile devices | Full Stack Engineer

About Me

After graduating from UC Berkeley with a Chemical Engineering degree, I've worked for several startup companies in Biotechnology, and Analytical Tools Devices.

I've found that I love building tools to make life easier and even more enjoyable. I also discovered that I am analysis driven. The tools I made helped to analyze data quantitatively rather than qualitatively.

I admire that creating tools and to solve problems is an expression, almost an art. It was also very practical and had needed functionality, allowing the company more efficiency to take further steps to solve other underlying problems with its measurement device.

So I'd like to be at that point where creativity meets functionality. I'd like to be creative, solve problems and bring those solutions to others.

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Contact Me

I'd love to hear about who you are and what your goals are. Any feedback is appreciated as well!

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